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Top Lists, Mods, Guides and helpful content for game Lovers. Games Games Category includes articles about mobile, Pc, Browser, Nintendo and Playstation.Nintendo Switch Games This Category includes Mods, Top Lists, High-Quality knowledge articles about Nintendo Switch Games updated regularly, Covering all games ever released.You should also head over to the official wiki page for more detailed information. Have a look at the trailer above for more information as well as a look at some of the development possibilities. Unlike previous Assembly Kits, Terry will now grant access to Terrain Raw Data, allowing users to determine which battle maps load in for specific campaign map locations. Terry: enables the editing of campaign map aesthetics such as the height-map, lighting and props.TeD: enables the creation of individual battlefields for land, sea and sieges.BOB: enables processing of raw data such as textures, models and animations.DaVE: enables editing of the game’s database entries.Terrain Raw Data resource pack with 60GB of in-game production data.The Creative Assembly said the tools will be "immediately familiar" to modders of Rome 2 and Shogun 2, but the new version is the most "extensive" Assembly Kit yet. Official mod tools for Total War: Attila are now available and you can grab the new Assembly Kit as a beta through the tools menu via your Steam library.